Webcare on instagram with OBI4wan

9 June 2016

Webcare on instagram with OBI4wan

Social CRM in OBI4wan
Respond to instagram is an extension on social CRM via social networks. Webcare on platforms like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn is now commonplace. OBI4wan offers monitoring of instagram posts since december 2014 and 2015 since August also has the ability to react on instagram messages. With this addition, OBI4wan offers a complete social CRM to monitor for on online channels. The aim of OBI4wan is to create a single environment for all your social and online media channels.

Social CRM via instagram
Thousands of photos, videos and comments are posted on Insta gram Per day. Users of OBI4wan also have the ability to add Insta accounts to the resources, so that all relevant messages are loaded and can be used for webcare, data analysis and reporting.

Add instagram to your online marketing strategy

Business use of instagram
Insta gram is increasingly used in business and many organizations are active on this fast growing platform. OBI4wan published earlier an article about.

Responses to manage your photos and videos easy via OBI4wan. Via a search filter you the relevant messages, for example around an active campaign or certain products or services. It may just be that one about you talk, an important reason to start with social CRM via instagram!