What is social business?

17 June 2017

What is social business?

The definition of Social Business is:
Organisations that have adopted the social business model utilize social media tools and social networking behavioural standards across functional areas for communicating and engaging with external audiences, including customers, prospective customers, prospective employees, suppliers, and partners.
Social Business in practice
Social business is not the Holy Grail for sellers who do not sit waiting for cold calling. Social sales goes much further than just the use of online and social media to do more business.
At social business working sales and marketing more and even better together. Social Sales is no trick. Social in Social Sales stands for social and Sales for everything related to acquisition, sales and relationship management. We train sales, account manager and marketers to work together, and with bhulp of data, networks and insights to give the optimum attention to build long-lasting relationships. Social Sales: connecting through social.
Social business ensures connection between people, forget b2c and b2b, go for h2h: Human to Human.
From all data generated by the use of social and online media tell us a lot about the people we want to come in contact. Social media gives us the opportunity to at the right time, with relevant information, for the right person in an authentic way and with a good focus to communicate. We do not do business with logos, we do business with each other, from human to human.
Experience has shown that when you honestly share your knowledge, without anything in return directly to expect the people in your network you remember and you approach at the time that they expect that you can do something for them. Your knowledge makes their work more fun and more beautiful and they will thank you for.