Update in OBI4wan: Native video posts and targetting for Facebook
There is a new update of OBI4wan!
The following points have been developed and implemented in the tool over the past three weeks.
Add videos: from send you can add a video to your Facebookbericht! It comes to MP4 videos up to 15 MB in size. In one of the following sprints we all file types of Facebook can add supported. Because we can make this not yet possible for Twitter this is true only for Facebook videos.
Facebook targetingIt is now also possible to make your Facebook message visible to a specific target group by means of targeting. If you select a Facebook account in the send module, you will get the option 'Targeting' under the message field. This way, you can attune your message much better to the target group, which can improve the relevance of the content. Men see a different message than women, or young people a different message than older people. Or, if you have many foreign fans, you can target the message by country, so that it is not visible to everyone.
Format text blocks in digital signageA Rich Text Editor has been added to the text blocks in the Narrowcast screen. This allows you to format the text in a different colour, font or size and you can also centre the text.
Sizing chart categories: We have added new categories in the reporting module and changed the layout of the chart categories. All categories and the charts below are sorted in alphabetical order.
Whatsapp suffix: If you have a link with WhatsApp you can when posting a WhatsApp message a suffix. A suffix set up through Settings > users. If you are in social CRM on a WhatsApp message reacts in the response field is the set suffix, such as "^ Martijn ' or ' Martijn ' Greeting, convenient to each message is automatically in the same way.
3 new KTO charts: there are 3 new charts added with which you can report on completed KTO investigations; KTO subdrivers, KTO satisfaction drivers and KTO. The column chart ' KTO satisfaction ' (question 1) shows what the average satisfaction is of the respondents. Most chosen drivers (question 3) and subdrivers (question 4) reflects what the main reason is for the given figure. These 3 new charts you find in a reporting under the category ' Webcare/caseowners '.
Points we took from the previous sprint:
Sorting messages: In Webcare You can sort messages by number of followers. In Webcare in the upper left of a search profile, click the Sort button. In The dropdown You now also have the option to sort the search profile to most or least followers. Because we want to guarantee the performance of the environment we decided not to add the sorting on Peerreach score.
The team of Social Sales is from now on also accessible via WhatsApp!
Do you have questions about social & sales? Do you want a time sparring with us?
Please send us a Whatsapp: 06 30 91 52 61.