International online and social media monitoring

13 February 2014

International online and social media monitoring

OBI4wan provides a user-friendly tool for online monitoring of social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, instagram, Pinterest and millions of (inter) national online resources. OBI4wan gives you insight into online conversations and allows you in a fast and efficient way to report about this data.
You decide for yourself where you have reports with our easy drag-and-drop module. So you measure directly:
  • where conversations about and on what type of online media they take place
  • what the sentiment around certain topics is
  • who is participating in the conversations and what influence they have
  • What is the range of your campaign and which messages lead to commitment


Using search queries, you filter the relevant information from the total supply of data. By reporting, you know what conversations are taking place about your organisation or brand, and what the nature and sentiment of these conversations is. Within these reports, you can gain insight into the following information:
  • The total volume of posts on market, brand or product level
  • A positive, neutral or negative sentiment around the messages /li>.
  • Source of the messages (social media, blogs, forums or news sites)/li>.
  • Which persons are ambassadors or critics?
  • Authors location based on profile or geo-data

Brand Ambassadors

The role of social networks and communities is becoming increasingly important in the decision-making process of consumers. Without brand intervention, consumers form an image of a brand based on the experiences of others.
Within these social networks and communities there are always influential people. OBI4wan offers, based on existing and self-developed scores, an overview of who these persons are and in which communities they are located, in order to subsequently enter into interaction with them.