Bye 2016, welcome to 2017!
The year 2016 was a special year. Not only personal and business, particularly civil.
On a personal level, it's been a special year. I am married to the sweetest in the summer and a week after we moved. Although this very nice personal moments have been also has our annual next to peaks also decline. We have said goodbye to people. We also have beautiful people meet and get to know. That is part of life, our lives.
2016 is an excellent year in business terms. With projects like sales & marketing Accelerator, social sales training, social media and online customer contact training, data analysis and sales management there are beautiful and collaborations. I want my customers, relationships, clients and partners for the friendly contacts and cooperation.
Socially there are many remarkable events in 2016. Of attacks in France and Belgium to politically surprising developments in America and in our own country. Of terrible events in which people come to public discussions that the roots of cultures.
What stands out to these events is that the human dimension in the public discussions seems to have disappeared. The talks are paved, the opinions divided into for or against, yes or no. The nuance doesn't matter anymore. There are more often in 2016 we/they camps we came closer together than that arise.
Technology has helped us at any time, through all kinds of channels to communicate with each other. The same technology also ensures that we sometimes further from each other. Furthermore because we think for each other, because we cannot see what the bits and bytes between the nuance is. Thanks to technology we touch the human aspect.
Only you can go harder, together. The short term is not interesting. That what is important for you in the long run, is what matters. Let's listen to each other, give each other sincere attention and work together.
For 2017, I hope that the personal contact is intensified even more, even better and more together that we listen to each other and that we meet sincere attention.
I wish you a warm, cosy Christmas and a nice 2017.